jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS. My ¿grunge? favourite band

Ok, I deserve all the booing that I´m hearing right now because of the title. Lots of people would think that STP was a Grunge band in the nineties. But, do I really think that way? Let´s have look: Weiland, DeLeo brothers and Mr Kretz, disobeyed almost every commandment written in Grunge´s bible. Don´t you believe me? Below, I enlist a few facts that show how this “rebels” gave us a little bit more than grunge in the nineties.

  1. Shaved chest? Short dyed hair? Where have all the curlies gone?: As seen on “Sex type thing” video, Scott Weiland comes up with a “controversial” look, faraway from the usual long and waving hair. His naked chest ensures that no long sleeve plaid shirts were damaged in the making.
  1. ¿Glam? Come on! We all are depressed dudes! There´s no need to say that Weiland is a huge David Bowie fan (he assumed this in several interviews and even recorded “Fame” in his latest solo release) but what really stands out, is his constant “extraterrestrial” feeling on stage (“from outer space”, the latest antonym for “Grunge”). He looks like an alien, we moves like one, and sings like The Thin White Duke. “Lady Picture Show”: An outtake from “Ziggy Stardust”? Not at all. Face it: You know, It´s (not) only grunge rock, but you like it!
  1. “They talk about suicide, pain and violence” Yes, but with a beautiful “cocky” feeling. Do you imagine Eddie Vedder singing You wouldn't want me have to hurt you too”? Of course not. He´s a nice and educated guy. He might be thinking right now about different ways of saving the world. Keep up the good work, Ed!
They have the songs and the attitude. And what´s best, a few remarkable characteristics that made Stone Temple Pilots emerge from the “Grunge ocean” and keep their head up the surface in spite of the heavy waves. As if they were using high heels, like Bowie. Like Weiland.

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